#WLAM2022 explores: What is landscape architecture? What does landscape architecture mean to you? ASLA invites you to post your answers on social media channels throughout the month of April. And since we will celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted’s 200th birthday on April 26th, feel free to incorporate his legacy into your answer. By the end of April, ASLA will identify the top five posts based on the number of Likes and Comments; make sure to tag your post with the hashtag #WLAM2022 so it can be tracked. Learn more.

After a handful of years off, the Legislative Office Building in Hartford has opened up its display areas again to organizations wishing to educate our legislators and the public on many issues. For many years, CTASLA volunteers have hung 30-plus posters in the LOB corridors in the Spring, showing off our award winners and explaining our profession. This year, a smaller display will be hung in the well-traveled hallway between the main lobby of the LOB and the cafeteria, from April 1-15. These 24 X 36-inch posters cover: Landscape Architecture, A Licensed Profession; Landscape Architects Protect Health, Safety, and Welfare; Landscape Architects: Our World Designed (promoting many aspects of our design practices, from public to private);and Olmsted 200, A National Celebration of Frederick Law Olmsted. These posters include works from our award-winning professionals. Please email your legislators and ask them to take a look! This promotional work is provided by the dedicated volunteers of your chapter Executive Committee and funded by your membership.

You may have heard: Frederick Law Olmsted's 200th birthday will be celebrated on April 26. Here are a number of ways that area organizations are celebrating. We encourage our members to participate! On Saturday, April 9, Real Art Ways in Hartford will host a program on Celebrating Olmsted & Old-Growth Forests in Connecticut. The event, organized by Trinity College professor Susan Masino, will feature a field trip through Keney Park Woods (the landscape of Olmsted’s childhood), lunch, and a documentary on old-growth forests in New England followed by a short panel discussion and Q&A.
Central Park Conservancy and Prospect Park Alliance will host Olmsted 200: Parks in Conversation, a virtual tour, on April 12 (12:30-1:30 p.m.). Built a decade apart, Central and Prospect Park share many similarities, while also reflecting Olmsted’s evolution as a park designer. Tour guides will livestream from each park as they highlight, compare, and contrast Central Park’s arches, meadows, and natural features to parallel features found in Prospect Park. See examples of how these designs have been adapted over time to better fit with modern-day recreational uses and ecological practices. Cornell Cooperative Extension will host A Walk in Olmsted Parks webinar on April 13 (1:00-2:30 p.m.). Discover trademarks of Olmsted’s design in Boston’s Emerald Necklace, Central Park, Prospect Park and the Bayard Cutting Arboretum in this online tour.
UConn Hartford will host a symposium on April 22, The Olmsted Legacy in Connecticut: Building Sustainable Cities, at the Hartford Club. This program will explore how the Olmsted park legacy shapes the future of 21st century parks throughout America, but especially in Hartford and Connecticut. Topics will include park equity and access and connecting the Olmsted park legacy to contemporary issues of public, ecological, and economic health Celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted’s 200th: A Hartford Memorial on Saturday, April 23 (9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) with a talk at Hartford's Isham-Terry House, and walking tour of the Keney Clock Tower and the Olmsted burial site in Old North Cemetery. Speakers include Dr. Don Poland (Unconscious Influence, Olmsted’s Hartford) and Bill Hosley (More Than Parks: F. L. Olmsted’s American Vision).
Preservation Connecticut welcome entries to Picturing History: Historic Landscapes of Connecticut — a photo contest of Connecticut’s historic landscapes in celebration of Frederick Law Olmsted’s 200th birthday. Participants aged 8 years and up are invited to submit works featuring landscapes in the following categories: Color, Black & White, Olmsted Firm Design, and Smartphone images. Photos should show how the landscape has historically been used and shaped by people. Deadline: April 23.
NAOP will host an Olmsted 200 Birthday Gala Dinner at the Loeb Boathouse in Central Park (NYC) on April 25. Proceeds will support the National Association for Olmsted Park’s ongoing commitment to the advancement of the work, legacy and principles of Frederick Law Olmsted. Sponsorship support welcomed.
On April 27 (5 p.m.) Real Art Ways in Hartford will host a viewing of Olmsted and America's Urban Parks, a documentary that examines the formation of America’s first great city parks in the late 19th century through the enigmatic eyes of Frederick Law Olmsted. It shares Olmsted’s vision for public parks as places for respite, health, beauty and democracy. The event, with free reception, is co-sponsored by UConn and Trinity College.
Real Art Ways will host a program on Why We Need New National Parks: A Natural Extension of Olmsted’s Vision, on April 30 (3 p.m.), featuring a lecture by Michael Kellett, co-founder and Executive Director of Restore The North Woods, a Massachusetts- and Maine-based conservation organization. The evening will feature a reception and a first look at some of the top 100 areas for new National Parks.

Want to learn more about the life and significant Connecticut works of Frederick Law Olmsted? Learn more at the Olmsted Legacy Trail website developed by ASLA Connecticut.