CTASLA offers scholarships to students to encourage awareness and education in the field of landscape architecture. Scholarship applicants must be legal residents of the State of Connecticut. Application forms should be received by April 16, 2021.
CTASLA offers two scholarship programs:
1. The Karen Ann Shopis-Fox Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students currently enrolled in an accredited landscape architecture program at the college or university level. Download the 2021 Karen Ann Shopis-Fox Memorial Scholarship Application Form.
2. The Landscape Architecture Environmental Stewardship Scholarship for High School Seniors is awarded to high school students who are applying to study landscape architecture at the college or university level. Download the 2021 Landscape Architecture Environmental Stewardship Scholarship for High School Seniors Application Form.
We encourage you to alert qualified students to the availability of this financial aid. Thank you for helping to spread the word about the CTASLA Student Scholarships.