The Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects is pleased to announce the launch of a new, mobile-friendly website. Hosted at the same address, this platform is now capable of doing so much more for chapter members:
Larger text and images
Updated fonts, colors, and logo to match ASLA branding
Faster page loading times
Mobile-friendly web page layouts
Jobs, programs, and news updates now visible on Home page
Enhanced scholarship, emerging professional, and diversity plan posted under Resources
New chapter history and fellows information under About Us
New Advocate pages with information about CT and national outreach efforts
The CTASLA website committee will be continuously updating and tweaking this website over the next several months. Please feel free to give us your feedback , especially constructive comments on what we can improve or adjust to improve your experience. Please report any bugs that you find, no matter how inconsequential using the Bug Report form under the Contact Us tab
With Gratitude,
CTASLA Website Committee
Gwen Heerschap, Chair
Oliver Gaffney
Matthew Verry
Debra De Vries-Dalton
Joe Aveni
