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In the pre-internet days of yore, members would rely on the chapter's  Connecticut Landscape Architecture Handbook and Business Addresses of Licensed Members to have access to member directory, chapter bylaws, products/services directory, and other information. The handbook was first published in 1992, and the business addresses brochure started circulating in 1996.


Over the years, the covers for each gradually became more elaborate and unique. The handbook had a color cover starting in 1997, four years before The Connecticut Landscape Architect had its first!


Both documents required hands-on binding and printing by volunteers which made large-scale distribution cumbersome. To save time, later editions of the business address were merged into the handbook. But in 2009, CTASLA stopped mailing hardcopies altogether and placed all of this information online to save members time and clutter.

CTASLA now updates online information on a monthly basis unless otherwise noted. Documents are provided in PDF format for ease of viewing and downloading. Use of any information for the purposes of advertising, marketing, or soliciting the sale of goods or services to members is strictly prohibited.

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